Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I"ve just stopped reading a book called The Outer Banks House because of the persistent anachronistic language. I can think of any examples to give you, but would racism have been a common term in 1865? Would people have been seen as bad for being racist or good? Would someone have been referred to as a benevolent nature goddess, in the sense of being a greenie? I don't know, but I just think it jars. It's as if Elizabeth Bennett were to say "Whatever" or Darcy talk about her "awesome" eyes.
I've got a pile of books, and go through them reading the first couple of chapters. If I don't get involved in the writing by then, I ditch the book, putting it on the "return unread" pile to go back to the library. Not just bad writing but gloomy subjects or utter silliness end up on the rejects pile. So many books, so little time and this is my way of dealing with them.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Just been away from work on a holiday. It's been very relaxing, I didn't go away, but stayed around town and did some things I haven't done for a long time. Walked along part of the Crater Rim track, it was very hot and I got very tired. Had a swim at Corsair Bay on Show weekend Saturday, it was very hot and the water was not really as cold as I thought. I love watching people at beaches. Have you ever noticed that adults coming out of the water always towel their faces dry first before any other part of the body? People of Polynesian descent often rush headlong into the water, and get in straight away. People of European, especially English descent, get in slowly and gradually, making lots of moans and groans as they do so. Polynesian people expect that the water will be warm; European people expect that the water will be cold.
Guy Fawkes is long over but there's still daft morts letting off fireworks at night. Don't know why it should annoy me so much but it does.
Some of the earthquake damaged buildings around the city are being demolished. It's sad to see some of them go; others, you think "Well, it should have gone years ago". Hopefully something creative will replace the buildings, not just more car-parks, but I reckon cars will infiltrate silently and stealthily.