Monday, March 21, 2011


Still getting regular aftershocks here. Don't feel them much in the day, but at night. I have to say that I'm now able to sleep through them, shows how a body can get used to anything, even the cats don't bother waking unless its a real wobbler.
Didn't go away as the weather has not been great, except for the day of the memorial service. Thankfully it was a fine day, or everyone would have been in tears all the time. Still can't get my head around the surreal situation, of people being killed by an earthquake in my home town. It's like seeing Godzilla or the Second Coming, just too weird.
And what about Gorgeous Gaddafi? He has such terrible taste in clothes. What's with the shit-coloured wrap-around? Doesn't he know that all self-respecting dictators get suits from Armani?
Spent yesterday replanning and clearing the piece of garden that will be the new expanded vege garden. It's goin to be more than a vege garden though, more of an edible garden, including herbs and fruit. One sleepless night I realised that the sunniest most sheltered part of the garden is only growing agapanthus - it could be growing tomatoes. My tomatoes have been poor this year, probaly because there is too much shade where they are. I also need to get plants started earlier in the season as our growing season seems to have shortened in recent years, with rainy damp autumns rather than sunny dry ones.
Now at the library, it's the almost the only one open, so its busy, busy. I'm going home to spend my afternoon with Rufus (Whoar) Sewell in Middlemarch. Nothing like a costume drama in times of stress.

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