Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Forecasts vs.predicitons

Apparently we are to have another big eathquake. This prediciton/forecast comes courtesy of Ken Ring, our usual doomsayer. Of course he says he is doing it to help people, but I for one, would rather not know. Anyone who has problems with anxiety should avoid reading or hearing news; all it does it make one anxious. (Logical). Spent a sleepless night last night worrying about whether the bank would foreclose on my mortgage if AMI goes bust. This could happen Christchurch-wide; banks hedge their risk in your property (which is really their property) by "securing" it with insurances. People are finding that they can't get mortgages because they can't get insurance; it will only be a matter of time before banks come out in the open about how exposed their investments are. Scary stuff, scarier that Mr Ring's predictions. Hopefully this is just me catastrophizing. As Gandalf said "This is the doom I deem". PS Isn't The Lord of the Rings" depressing? Our local pond is being drained for resealing with bentonite clay, and I've just spent a few minutes laughing at the ducks wading through the muddy glop. Ducks are daft. Almost as daft as the Rugby World Cup. Sick of it yet?

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