Sunday, March 22, 2015


Been pondering some big questions lately, about whether I should move from Christchurch to a new place ( new for me that is). I've been thinking about this for some time, since the earthquakes, but now it really is becoming a 'yes, I can' thing. I've lived here for most of my life and stayed here mainly because of my Mum being in care here, but now she will have been dead for four years come this September so I can see that there's really no reason to stay if I don't want to.  Christchurch has changed so much since the earthquakes, and not just physically; the whole spirit of the place has changed. We are inundated with people who are only here to make a lot of money - disaster capitalism they call it. It's all about money now, and we are controlled and bullied by central government with its neo-liberal agenda. The places I loved are gone or altered beyond recognition, even the weather seems worse!
I'd like to live somewhere with a less capitalist vibe. One of the candidates is Oamaru (pronounced Om-aroo). This is an old town now distinguished by its renovation of an old Victorian port precinct. I'm hoping to visit in April and have a nose around. Houses are very much cheaper there, and I could kick my mortgage in the teeth. There are a number of eccentric persons living there so I might fit in! The only problem is it might be cold there; if I want to escape the cold Christchurch winters (damp, drizzly, frosty) this may not be the place to go. The alternative is the Nelson district, which is warmer but housing is more expensive. Of course, jobs are another factor. It's unlikely I would get a job similar to the one I have here, but perhaps it's time for a change there, too.

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