Saturday, September 17, 2016

Community garden

I've just joined the local community garden. These are photos taken this morning. It's quite a big garden, packed with all sorts of plants. This is the herb garden.

The espaliered apples.

Danny the beekeeper checks the hive for the first time since winter. All is well, and the queen bee is laying.

Raised vege beds

Someone has carefully weeded the herb garden.

And in my own garden, the Verona tulips are out. Very lovely!


  1. Oh how lovely. I am watching a community garden not far from home, and it doesn't look nearly so well managed (and has a waiting list of several years I believe).

  2. Yes, this community garden is well-established and even has chooks! My garden is too small for chooks or bees, so it's giving me a feel of being an urban farmer.
