Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yeah, here i am in Singapore at the massive airport. They have free internet for 12 minutes, so I'm taking advantage.
I am never going to fly long distance again. I hate hate hate being cooped up with total strangers with annoying habits (yes I know I have habits too).
I got the worst seat in the row, right in the middle, with a bloody great bulkhead thing in the way of my feet. The guy next door amused himself till takeoff by clearing out the contents of his nose, and the woman on the other side was some kind of health food nut with her own flask of evil-smelling tea.
We had to circle for ages getting into Changi, and I seemed to be sat in the nursery section; every wailing kid in the plane was seated within earshot. Mind you, I did sympathise. I'd have been screaming my head off too if I wasn't one of those rational adult-type beings.
But it's the food and the boredom that really get to you. The food comes round and really you just don't want it, and how many movies can you watch?
Unfortunately I'm one of those that can't sleep on the plane, and can't read either. There's always someone coming round with food or drinks, or screaming, or blowing their nose, not to mention the constant noise. Oh, shuttup Lynners, you're just going on and on now.
Your right. I'll go into the rest lounge and try and get some sleep.
Hopefully I'll write again in Italia.

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