Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Big titties (Well, well)

I've noticed my stats have gone sky-high since I titled my last blog "Quickie". So in the spirit of experimentation I have called this one "Big titties" to see what happens with my stats. Cummon, big boy, push my stats up! How horrified they will be to connect to the maunderings of a middle-aged librarian. Will I be prosecuted for false advertizing?
I am now getting my drinking water from the water site over the road from me. Some lovely people who have an artesian well on their property piped it out to the street so that all could use the water. It was a godsend in the days when we didn't have any water reticulation at all. The water comes from 87 feet down and pumps 130,000 litres a day so theres plenty of it,
and all unchlorinated. We're supposed to boil it, but a colleague of mine has been drinking it and is OK. When I first used the water it was just coming out of a pipe, but the owners have refined it and now there are taps. Good old Kiwi ingenuity and Kiwi generosity. Long may they reign.

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