Friday, April 22, 2011


Just another brief entry, waiting, waiting to go off on my trip. I wish i could go now, because I'm practically ready. I've got my suitcase open in the spare room, and as I think of things I throw them in there. I'm trying to pack light, hate toting large bags around strange cities, mainly because the locals all go "oh, there's some poor sap of a tourist schlepping around, what a dork" or words similar to, and I feel embarrassed.
Not trying to sharpen up my italian, because I'm bound to forget everything the first time someone speaks to me. I have Lonely Planet's phrase book, which has proved very handy in the past. "Scusi, che stazione questa?" came in useful on my last trip, or I might still be lost in Syracuse.
Looking forward to my first encounter with Venetian art. I've never been all that fond of Tintoretto et al. but perhaps they are best viewed in situ. I never relly liked the Siennese School either, until I saw lots of it in the gallery of religious art in Siena.
Not liking the idea of flying for so long, but at least the anxiety of that will take my mind off other stuff going on here, bad weather, wobbly earth. Coming to work on Wednesday, I had my first experience of being in the car during a quake. I was in a queue on the Moorhouse Avenue overbridge, which has one side propped up with bracing, when I thought I felt the car stall or that sort of chunking that happens when the automatic transmission is changing gear. Then I realized I was feeling an earthquake, hope to God the bridge is safe! Very scary, I hate that hollow legged, knockkneed feeling after the adrenaline surges through. Wanted to get out of the car and vomit, but held it together like the mistress of self-control I am. Perhaps one day soon I will lose it in a major way, hopefully not in a public place.
Want to go away NOW!

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