Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Marmite stocks may run dry!

Yesterday was a bit shitty. I've got two sick cats at the moment. Eddie has an inoperable tumour on his jaw, but he's keeping well, with the vet's help. The other day he killed and ate a bird, then shinnied up the cabbage tree, so he's still enjoying life. Emma has chronic recurring rhinotracheitis, which means she sneezes snot everywhere, and is not her usual naughty self. I had trouble getting appointments at the vet, probably because there's a holiday weekend coming up. (Feb. 6 is Waitangi Day, for those of you who aren't NZers, a day when we celebrate being NZers.)
Driving back home, I annoyed another driver (Mr Turdface Arsehole) by not waiting far enough to the right on an uncontrolled right hand turn. He actually had to slow down. How awful. He yelled at me and I flipped him the fingers, which I think surprised him because he thought I was a nice old lady. Hah! I had a sudden urge to smash his windscreen in with my car lock. If only he'd stopped I would have enjoyed taking him and his car to pieces. This is road rage, folks, like a sweet wild rush of battery acid to the brain.
Well. Back to being a nice middle-aged lady, I found a website called pinterest, which lets you make a virtual pinboard of favourite stuff that you find surfing the net. This may go big, may be another Facebook, but I can't see it appealing to straight men, so perhaps not.
Looked at the news headlines on MSN this morning. 73 people are dead in Egypt following a soccer riot, but the bigger headline was "Marmite stocks may run dry" following the closing of the local Sanitarium factory. Gotta love parochialism. We concentrate (pun alert - Marmite is a concentrate of something, God knows what) on the really important stuff in NZ.
I don't like Marmite. I once went on a field trip to the factory and saw how it used to be made. Imagine great black blobs of the stuff extruded through an anus-like construction in the factory ceiling, collected in buckets by eager acolytes. Health foods they used to be called. Read "The road to Wellville" by T.C. Boyle for a fictional account of John Kellogg, the founder of the health food industry - all a bit twisted and obsessional, and scary too - to think that people used to inhale radium for their health. Makes me wonder how present day "health" programmes will be viewed in future.

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