Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Although this is Wednesday...

Pretty decorated bicycle at a lavender-sellers stall in Sansepolcro market.

Although this is Wednesday, it's the first day of my days off, so it feels more like a Sunday morning to me. And yes, I am still in my pyjamas at 12.05pm!  There's something good about feeling lazy, as long as it's not taken to extremes. It's raining this morning, so I feel even more justified in doing very little.
   Continuing on with my decluttering. I've cleared a whole lot of stuff out of my kitchen cupboards and now it's tidy and orderly. It does create a certain anxiety though; if I throw this out will I need it tomorrow? Considering that most of the stuff has not been used for several years, that's unlikely really, but it still gives me a buzz of anxiety. And even though my Mum has been gone for about three years now, I still hear her voice saying " Why are you throwing that out? I liked that!" or worse "That cost me a lot of money!" So, we can be haunted in more ways than by merely seeing apparitions, we can hear them too.
  Anyway, a book I read recently about decluttering  said "If you need it or love it, keep it. If someone else wants you to need it or love it, out it goes". Sorry, Mum, out it goes.

   Lucky me, I live just around the corner from an excellent cafe which sells German breads and cakes. I'm off there now, for my "Sunday" brunch. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I find the voices which haunt more insistent than the images. And need to adopt that very wise approach to the things other people require me to need/love/retain.
    Love the lavender bike too.
