Monday, June 6, 2016

Not much to report

Not much to report this week. The weather has been sunny but cold, hard to get motivated to do anything but sit by the heater. I've done a little painting (apples, above) but still procrastinate about getting started. 
    Today is Queens Birthday in New Zealand. This is the celebration of the official birthday of the Queen, although her real birthday is sometime in April. New Zealand is still a constitutional monarchy, and although I am not a Royalist, I hope it stays one. The spectre of a Premier appointed by his cronies is not attractive to me. If we become a Republic, then all we will need will be the bananas. The Queen is far away and not susceptible to political manoeuvrings, unlike a NZ-based head of state. Our politicians are such a rotten bunch (as are most politicos anywhere) that I wouldn't like to trust them with the country.
    Another think I'm fed up with is housework. It seems that every time I turn around there are more dirty dishes, washing, vacuuming, etc. to be done. Why, why, why is the default option not tidyness instead of untidiness? Some bright mathematician or physics prof. should come up with a Theory of Housework to account for it. Perhaps it's part of Chaos theory. Schrodinger's Vaccuum Cleaner? It's on or not on depending on whether it's still in the cupboard or not?
   It's a mystery.

1 comment:

  1. I would like us to become a Republic - but have the same reservations you have.
    It doesn't matter who you vote for, a politician will win.
