Thursday, June 23, 2016

Winter solstice madness

     Today I didn't really know what to do with myself, so sure enough, I went to a garden centre and bought things. Some women like to go clothes-shopping, and impulse buy stuff they don't really need; I do this with plants. The shop also had a special offer on these coconut bird-feeders. They are filled with a vegetable fat, peanut butter and seed mix that hopefully the birds will find irresistable. Usually bird-feeders like this attract the little wax-eyes. I didn't put one out last winter because of my cat Jiro, who was an enthusiastic bird-hunter and who would have killed many of them. Jiro has since died (sadly) and Thomas is older and wiser, he just likes to look at the birds from the comfort of the conservatory.
      I managed to find a treasure at the garden centre, a pale yellow camellia called Nuccio's "Golden Anniversary." This is a japonica camellia synonymous with Camellia dahlohnega.

It looks very pretty and is loaded with buds.

I also bought this hebe "Marilyn Monroe" to put in my front garden to liven up my perennial bed which looks quite dreary at the moment...

.... and this lily called "Pretty Woman"; I like the combination of soft pink and cream.

I am really a mad, extravagant woman! (The manageress at the garden centre knows me quite well now.)


  1. That is a gorgeous camellia. Really, really lovely. And has my greedy self yearning.
    Nurseries and book shops are my shopping nemesis. The rest? Not for me.

  2. There was only one of these at the nursery. I felt that it was meant for me!
