Friday, October 22, 2010

Big concert

We're having a big concert today in the Park, just over from where I work. Its a free concert for the people of Christchurch, to cheer us up after the 'quake. Mostly rock, roots, hip-hop and rap, not really my kind of music, but quite a few "old" performers too, whom I remember from my non-misspent youth.
One of my regrets is that I was a model teenager/young adult and didn't cause any trouble (although my mother would probably dispute this). Teenagers today have so much more money - they can buy large amounts of booze, drugs and fast cars. When I was young we only had beer and motorbikes, none of this new-fangled crystal meth and top-shelf spirits. We did have sex though, but it was heavily laced with guilt from schools and parents, so it wasn't really much fun at all. Now the youngsters go to it like rabbits, with as much emotional affect as one puts into having a bowel motion. (Mind you, I have had some emotionally involving bowel motions) (OMG, too much information) (Whatever)
But then on second thoughts, maybe the guilt made it more fun because it was wickeder. The sweetness of a quick warm fumble in the sanddunes, fully clothed, because Someone Might Come Along, although this could be taken too far... a male of my intimate acquaintance became addicted to outdoor sex and couldn't perform well in a private setting.
I hope you've all enjoyed this post, I've covered a lot really. The concert hasn't started yet, but we expect a crash and a bang any time now. Apparently its being streamed world-wide, so if you want to see the cream of NZ music, tune in somewhere.

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