Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Garden pics

Not too bad a day today, mainly cloudy with some sunny spots which Thomas revelled in. A fog has closed in now though, making the air very cold. I did a little bit of garden work, mainly tidying up, spreading fertiliser and compost, and getting my strawberry bed ready. Tea was a plate of lemon and sugar pancakes, in memory of my mum, who always used to make them for me on Shrove Tuesday. Today is the third anniversary of her death, and the fourth anniversary of the first big quake we had here; I'm feeling a bit glum.
More crap going on at work, which doesn't help my depression at all. We were all told at a meeting on Tuesday to come up with cost-saving ideas, the implicit threat being that if we don't, we'll all be "down the road", or at least will have our hours of work reduced. Cutting out the one-off long-service bonus was also mentioned, which made me hopping mad; I had mine several years ago, but I thought it bloody well earned and it makes me furious to know that this is being considered for others, particularly when you know how much upper management are making in salaries (and perks). And any cuts are always to part-time hours, to those who can least afford to lose income. No doubt I shouldn't be writing this; the 'thought-police' will be reading it and I'll be castigated for my 'dis-engagement' and sent for re-education.  Grrr! Incoherent rage followed by deep depression is the sum of my work day now. If they fire me I won't bother getting another job. I'll live off my savings until they dry up and then starve quietly to death.


  1. Love your garden - and am jealous of the magnolia. I have tried (several times) but the cockatoos have destroyed them.
    Hiss and spit on the work front.
    And be kind to yourself on those anniversaries. Sometimes being sad is completely rational.

  2. Thanks, Elephant's Child, it helps to write it down.

  3. I am really glad I'm at the other end of my working life because the future of libraries makes me tremble. Good luck with the work stuff Lyn, it sounds awful.

    1. Yes, I have another 10 years to go, but it's not going to be any kind of career choice for younger people. Increasing McDonaldisation and getting the customers to self-service as much as possible are making it a very boring prospect.
