Monday, September 22, 2014

Sick leave

Day off from work today. I've strained my groin. This is normally a rugby injury, but I don't play rugby so why?? I don't know. We've had a sudden cold snap here and it was freezing at work yesterday, so I think it may be something to do with being cold all day. The brilliant, wonderful architects who designed our building put the main door on the south side (which is the cold shady side in the Southern Hemisphere) so on stormy days the frigid winds come straight in to the library from the Subantarctic without let or hindrance. And the automatic windows that the same wonderful, brilliant architects caused to be installed were open all day! If only I could get hold of these architects (who, Goddess help us, won many awards for this building) and stand them in the 8 degree, draughty foyer for an hour, they might have a better understanding of what makes a comfortable workplace. On the positive side, I do get to stay home to drag my aching leg around the garden photographing the tulips. Which are just starting to pop out and are beautiful.


  1. Sigh. Architects are like that.
    I hope it eases off quickly. Enjoy the garden. Ours are popping too. Bliss.
