Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lillies are starting...

First day-lily

Not very successful pears - experimenting with salt to give a speckled grainy look. OK but composition is faulty - two pears on left look not right, they should have been overlapped more. Colour a bit dull too.

Watching this DVD at the moment. Interesting theories, one that Shakespeare was born in Italy and was in fact Italian. His surname is not a common one in England, but is common around Palermo in Sicily, as Crollalanza. He may well have been born in Italy and travelled to England as a young teenager, so they say. The other theory is that he lived in Italy as a young man. There is a seven-year gap in his life-story, when scholars don't know where he was or what he was doing. Italians say that his obvious knowledge of cities like Venice, Padua and Verona indicate that he must have lived or visited Italy during this time, and that Shakespeare's portrayals of emotion and tragedy are very Italian in feeling, not English at all. Fact is often stranger than what we suppose to be true, so who knows? I'll watch part II tonight, about the Roman plays of Guglielmo Crollalanza.

1 comment:

  1. So much we don't know, so much we assume. And so much we will never know.
    I love your day lily. Mine seem to have gone to god. And am in awe at your painting prowess.
