Friday, November 20, 2015

Roses, roses

Crown Princess Margareta

Buff Beauty

Haven't posted for ages! probably because very little is going on right now, except for the flowering of the roses. They've been delayed by our mad weather, which has been quite cold and windy, but today has been hot, so now they are coming out quickly. The vegetable garden is several weeks behind, one minute I'm worried about frost, the next watering like mad because it's drying up. Anyone who says that climate change is a lie is a fool, in my opinion. The weather now is so completely unlike that of my childhood that it is like living in a different country. I'm sure our weather was more stable and less changeable than now; we used to have  whole weeks of hot weather in summer, now we just get a day here and there. We used to have hot nights all night too; now the temperature always goes down overnight, so by four o'clock in the morning I'm looking for the duvet to cover up to get warm. Of course, this is all "anecdotal" as the pundits like to say, it's not proof.
Of course, terrible things are going on in the world. As always. There is always conflict somewhere. The Vietnam war played on TV every night when I was a child, and sadly, nothing much has changed. Some philosopher once said that the world would be a better place if everyone just stayed quietly at home. I stay quietly at home, growing my vegetables and admiring my roses; I feel that this is the only way I can contribute to world peace, just not being a violent pain-in-the-arse to everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Love your roses.
    And share your views on the ugly rest of it...
