Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bits and pieces

                                         Jiro using the washing as a hammock.

Not much going on at the moment (not that there ever is, and I can be quite thankful for that; I'd rather have peaceful nothingness than drama and crisis). The cats are being delightful at the moment, they like the better weather and longer days that summer brings. Jiro's latest game is to meow outside the kitchen door, then run away when I open it, just like a kid doing the door-knocking game. Thomas is being very snuggly and affectionate; he's finally realised that even though there's another cat, there's still enough love for him. Not that he likes Jiro any better, but is a bit more relaxed and friendly towards me.
     It's still quite cold here though; tonight the temperature is down to 5 degrees (Celsius) so it's not exactly warm. I was looking at my posts for this time last year and see the same comments, the weather is hot and dry and I'm watering the garden, the next day it's cold and wet. We've had Halloween, I even went to a party, but didn't dress up for it; I'm scary enough as my real self. Now Guy Fawke's night is coming up tomorrow, so I'll brace myself for the noises. No doubt it will go on all through the weekend as well. Not my favourite celebration.
      The spring-cleaning continues sporadically. I start with a hiss and a roar and bags of enthusiasm, then rapidly lose interest. The problem is that the house doesn't stay clean, so it's a labour of Sisyphus or Hercules. At least it's only my own mess to clean up, not some dodgy husband or flat-mate. The cats aren't too bad either; they are both young and don't throw up too often in the house! But why do cats always have to up-chuck on the carpet, not the vinyl flooring? One of those mysteries that will never be solved.


  1. I was discussing the puking on the carpet issue only this morning. And came home to find that Jewel had been sick. She is never VERY sick, just a little bit sick in lots of places. All of them carpet.
    The purportedly Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times...' has always struck me as vicious.

    1. There is a theory that the cats think of carpet as lawn, and it feels more "natural" to be sick on it than on the vinyl. Or that they can dig their claws into carpet, the better to ride out the spasms of vomiting!
