Saturday, December 26, 2015

Decluttering days

Hosta flowers - you can see some of the hail damage on the leaves. One of the hostas in my front garden was shredded; sadly, it will look awful for some time yet.

Now we're coming up to New Year, I've bitten the bullet and am doing some serious decluttering. It won't make a huge difference to the way the interior of the house looks - I like most of my tchotchkes and they will stay - but more to the inside of my cupboards. There is a lot of stuff that I have kept, with the best of intentions, meaning to fix or alter or repurpose them. 
Part of the decluttering process is absolute honesty. Do I really want this? Will I really use this ever again? Will I take up this hem, alter this curtain...etc. etc. I tend to keep things like old curtains, just in case I move house and the curtains will fit the new windows (they don't fit the current windows, which is why they are in storage). And duplicates of things - two (or sometimes three) of everything, in case I lose or break one. It's best to give them to charity, I think, then at least someone can use them, instead of just filling up a drawer or a cupboard. I keep ancient seed packets with ancient seeds. They will not germinate and I know this, but still I keep them. I found two brand new spanners in a box. I have no idea why I have them or when I would ever use them; I do not fix my own car or plumbing or even my bicycle myself. 
I have kept a lot of newspaper and magazine clippings, about gardening and cooking. These were yellowing and musty and I have never looked at them again after clipping them. The Internet has obviated my need to keep such stuff; if I want to know how to prune a fruit-tree, Google will tell me. And I will still keep my books, my many gardening books.
So I'll continue, and then have a big houseclean so I can go into the New Year all bright and shiny. Many cultures have this "clean before the new year" custom, but I've never bothered before. And I may not bother again!


  1. I hope to do something similar here. Hindered by the pack rat I live with.
    Every drawer and every cupboard is full. With things we will probably not use again, which sucessfully hide the things we do want to use. Which leads to duplication and more clutter.
