Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Red hollyhock seed.

Sorting seeds today, part of the decluttering/rationalisation project. I have bags of seeds that have been sitting around since last year:

 I put them in brown paper bags to dry off, then stuffed them in a shelf in my writing desk, where they've taken up a lot of room. So now I've removed the chaff and bits and packaged them up like so:

Much more compact. I'm not sure whether these are still viable, I'll have a go at germinating them soon. Meanwhile, the cats have been busy sleeping.

Thom shares my bed

Jiro gets the whole spare room to himself

In the afternoon, they both move to the conservatory, to take up their favourite chairs...

and rest some more.


  1. Jazz not only shares our bed he takes up far more than his fair share. Poor little Jewel only gets up when he is elsewhere.
    And how I would love to be able to sleep as well (and as often) as a cat.
    I hope your seeds do germinate.

  2. Cats never seems to suffer from insomnia, do they?

  3. Nope. Their digestive processes can be a bit suss though.
