Thursday, January 28, 2016


I haven't posted on here for a while, because there's nothing much happening in my life at the moment. And what little has happened has been bad. My dear little black cat, Jiro, was run over and killed last Wednesday, so things have been a bit doomy here. He should have had a longer life, he was such a sweetie. I still have my lovely Thomas, who has been a comfort, but it's very quiet without Jiro, who was a full-on little guy.
   We've had a terrible summer here, cold and wet. The farmers are overjoyed, because the countryside has been in a drought for some time, but for townies who wanted a summer it's been a disaster. The fruit is a sour, for lack of sunlight, and vegetables like tomatoes and zucchini, that normally go well, are non-existent. I have some tiny green tomatoes, but there's no way that they will ripen by summer's end, even if we have another five weeks of good weather. Our first frost is usually about the second week of April, so there's not much time left now. The pears are starting to fall, but they are tasteless; even the birds don't seem very interested.
  Ho hum.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Jiro. They wind their paws deep into our heartstrings and take a piece of us with them when they go.
