Friday, July 29, 2016

Professor Sprout lives!

I spent this afternoon making my Professor Sprout props for tomorrow's Harry Potter fun day. The hat is an old sunhat with cardboard and hessian (burlap to my American readers) pasted over the top. Not a very exact or careful work, as I had no thin card and had to make the structure out of packing cardboard.

The top part of the hessian cover. I didn't have a big enough piece of hessian either to cover the whole crown of the hat so just made a little top knot and the rest all pieced together.

At least the Professor is not a fashion plate, so I can get away with the hat looking rumpty.

The mandrake is my piece de resistance. It's a parsnip carved with a face on it and a bouquet of artificial leaves poked into the top. The "arms" are made with parsley roots attached with skewers. The thing only has to last for a few hours tomorrow; if  wanted to last longer perhaps secure these with hot glue or a construction glue like "No more nails".

The face is outlined in waterproof marker.

And here is my selfie! I hope to add a wig tomorrow and will have my smock and scarf, boots and gloves on.


  1. Big, big smiles. Goodness you have done well. And I love the Mandrake.

    1. Thank you. Our day was a big success, we ran out of wands and had to make up more "potion"(orange juice with mixed herbs). It was far more popular than we thought, and the mandrake was a hit!
