Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Signs of spring

Had a really nice day in the garden today. Things are starting to come up and come out. These hellebores are very difficult to photograph, as the heads hang down and I have to get right under the plants. A lot of spring things do this, or grow close to the earth on short stems, to protect the central reproductive part of the flower from the cold and rain.

There's such a clear light in spring, which produces very detailed photos, like this primula.

Galanthus nivalis, snowdrops. A nice clump...

...attracting bees. You can just see a bee's bum on the left hand tallest flower.

    I weeded parts of the vegetable garden today. We've had a very dry winter, so the ground is easy to work. My garlic is starting to pop up, and the tulip leaves are emerging. Very pleasant working with the mints in pots; lovely smell! I still have to take out some oregano that has taken over in the herb garden. It grows on root stolons so is a bit tricky.
    I haven't started on pruning the roses yet, as I have to buy a new pair of secateurs. No matter how I try to sharpen the old ones, they are not so good as brand new ones. I've had these current ones for about 10 years now, so I think I deserve to splash out on some new secateurs. It will make the pruning go more quickly, too.
      We are having a Harry Potter fun day at the library where I work, and I've agreed to be Professor Sprout for the day! Cunning, as I know I have most of the props; boots and gloves, and perhaps a carved parsnip for a mandrake. I've made house banners and painted a phoenix for the wall of the children's library, so it's been a busy week. Now I have to work on the Professor's costume, buy a witches hat and cover it with hessian. I've got an old smock that can be my overall, and some lace doilies for a lace scarf-thing. It has to be done by Sunday, so there's a bit of work to do!

1 comment:

  1. Love the image dancing in my head of you as Professor Sprout.
    Spring is coming here too. Which hopefully doesn't mean a long hot summer.
