Saturday, July 23, 2016

Russian spambot

   Some crazy spambot in Russia is viewing my blog 21 pages at a time. I don't like this at all. It's happened before, and I was able to track down the culprits and get them to stop, through my "traffic sources" stats. This time, they are just using Google or some kind of mask that pretends it is Google. I did some investigation last time, and found that this is a common trick that some people use to push up their own stats; they use your content and your stats and pass it of as their own, so that their own site ranks higher and they can get revenue from your original content. I can't remember the name for this. There is an official term, but I think "scum" is quite a good one too. It's usually Russia or Ukraine that does this to me.
       There is an automatic viewer in the US, but this only looks at the latest new post about a minute after I've posted it; I'm guessing it's some kind of security surveillance thing checking for trigger words and phrases. I suppose this will only get more common as time goes on. Funny thing about all this surveillance though, it doesn't seem to be catching the people it hopes to catch. Nice, Munich, and various US shooters all got under the radar, as did the London bombings and Danish massacres of a few years ago. This is the problem with surveillance; it won't pick up the lone crazy who is not part of a network and does not include others in his (it's usually a man) planning. We can't yet go down the path of knowing exactly what every single person is planning to do, tomorrow, next week or next year. Perhaps one day this will be possible. I doubt it.