Friday, July 1, 2011

Seeds, seeds

Planted some seeds out in trays as part of an experiment in winter sowing. There's a blogsite about winter sowing that's quite good (just Google winter sowing) that's inspired me to experiment.
When I was a child and a novice gardener, I noticed that seeds sown in autumn and established to the first two pairs of real leaves before the first frost made very strong plants that had a head start in the spring, but I've never tried sowing in winter. My other experiment overwintering peppers is going on OK, they are still alive anyway.
Also considering how to make a glasshouse or a cloche out of old window frames. My worry is that the old glass is a bit brittle and may be dangerous to cats and self.
Ordered some seed from Franchi Sementi,( the Italian seed merchants, now available in New Zealand. Round zucchini ('Tondo di Piacenza')and a bush tomato ('Astro Ibrido').
I did buy these in Italy, but MAF confiscated some of them on my return. I bought six different kinds of seed - two cucurbits, two chicories and two other flowers. MAF confiscated one of the cucurbits, one of the chicories and one of the flowers, leaving me with the conclusion that 1) they don't really know what they're doing. (No doubt someone 'out the back' said "just take three off her") 2) next time I will not declare seeds, and 3) that round green zucchini and bright red chicory will start appearing at Auckland farmers markets next summer.
These were not wild gathered seed, but properly packaged and processed seed grown by, you guessed it, Franchi Sementi in Italy, and purchased at reliable retail shops (not under the counter, psst-wanna-buy-some-dodgy-seed type transactions). The only difference is that in Italy I paid the equivalent of $2.50 a packet and here they sell through the website at $7.50 plus GST and delivery! I was angry; "welcome back home, you scuzzball seed-smuggler you". Thanks very much, you really know how to make a Kiwi feel welcome in her own country.

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