Friday, May 11, 2012

Idiocy in Christchurch

I am so pissed off. It's a cold wet night in Christchurch. Got home, turned the new heat pump on - nothing. Odd lights flickering that shouldn't be, played with the remote until I came to the reluctant conclusion that the beastie is stuffed. Poked. Had it. Verkunft, verknoeked, verfallen. Vaffuncted.
Oh goody, I have bought a $3,000 lemon. If the sodding ECAN (our local environmental council of well-meaning busybodies) had allowed me to put in a logburner, I would be nice and warm by now. I would have a basic technology that would not break down. But no; logburners are verboten because they pollute the air, people die of asthma and emphysema from the "particulate emissions". In Europe, local councils are swinging back to woodburners; the fuel is from a sustainable source, and new stoves can be 99% efficient and emission free. But no; this is New Zealand and we are always 20 years behind the times. So instead of choking to death on "particulates" we can all die of hypothermia instead! I just love being cold. It makes me feel like I love everybody and everything.
  The horrible irony of ECAN is that they have allowed some cowboy to dump dangerous demolition waste in the middle of the city, and authorized the operation of a crematorium in the same suburb. Locals didn't like the idea of a crematorium. They want cafes and smart shops. Do you really want to sip your latte while someone's Aunt Jemima goes up in smoke? asked one correspondent to the local paper. ECAN assured the populace that this would not happen. The crematorium would be so well operated that locals wouldn't even know it was there. Well, about a week ago a malfunction at the crematory resulted in a very large corpse being inadequately consumed; black smoke issued from the chimney, the locals were not impressed. The question is; if someone can burn bodies in my backyard (well almost) why the hell can't I burn wood? If someone can dump dangerous waste in my backyard why the hell can't have a logfire? Why are the rules different when a person is not a businessman, not a profit-making enterprise? Oh bugger, I am so, so angry.

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