Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It was a beautiful day today, even though it's winter we had 19 degrees here (Celsius), mild and fine. Unfortunately I slept through most of it. I did my grocery shopping early, then came home and felt totally exhausted so I went back to bed at 11.00. And slept till about three. Feeling guilty because I didn't do the washing or mow the lawn or prune the roses, just too tired. I think my job wears me out and I need a day to physically recover from it. Oh well, perhaps I'll do more stuff tomorrow. I really envy those people who have everything in their lives controlled and programmed out, and who achieve heaps of things, but I've never been like that. And never will. So I'll just have to cope with the guilt of being a lazybones.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. Some days my non-achievement is an art form. And the days when I do feel I have achieved something I am well aware that my big achievements are things that others take for granted.
    It sounds like your nap was an essential rather than a lazy luxury.
