Friday, July 19, 2013

Not much happening again; Detroit now bankrupt

Boy, life sure does get tedious sometimes. Today was cold and dreary, and I woke up depressed and have stayed depressed all day. Bleh. Did a bit of tidying-up type gardening, but it was really too cold. Removing dead plants in the freezing wind is not calculated to cheer anyone up.
  The people over the road are moving and Thomas is very happy. Puss-puss will be going with them, so Thom no longer has to fear being jumped on every time he goes outside, so he's been outside quite a lot today. Puss-puss was amusing as a kitten, but as he's got bigger he's become more aggressive, although Thom whupped his hide a far few times too. Thomas is a lover not a fighter though, and he'd really rather not scrap with other cats.
  Reading in the Guardian about Detroit city declaring bankruptcy. Pictures of the city remind me of areas of Christchurch, derelict and decaying, or Chernobyl, deserted by its people. Detroit's disaster is an economic one, man-made, created by political decisions way back in the seventies when cheap cars from Japan were allowed to be imported into the USA.  What a waste; schools, homes, hospitals all now standing empty, falling into ruin. Anyone who could afford to leave has; only the poor, the old and the crazy are left. Strange that it should have been let go, but I suppose it's just those wonderful 'market forces' that we're always hearing about. Sad, sad.

1 comment:

  1. We are a wasteful species aren't we? Probably the most wasteful...
