Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNoWriMo sucks

'Gruss an Aachen' rose

Well, I've started the Great Novel, but it's just not falling into place. It's not so much the words that are difficult but all of it; the plot, the characters, the setting. I haven't really decided anything but am a Pantser (someone who writes by the seat of their pants) as opposed to a Planner. Planners have whole notebooks and whiteboards of what to write. I've always been a bit scornful of this approach, believing romantically in the white-hot fire of inspiration, but I don't think that inspiration alone will get me where I want to go. I'm now thinking of making my erstwhile heroine into an evil, conniving bitch, hoping to make her more interesting! Or perhaps have her abducted by aliens, which would make the plot a little more exciting too. I'll carry on, with the aid of numerous library books about how to write a novel, but I really don't know if I'll complete this. It's beginning to feel too much like writing an assignment for school, work not fun. I just have to convince myself not to feel too guilty if I kick it in the guts.
   Perhaps I'll stick to gardening instead


  1. See how you go. I like the idea of turning your heroine around. But then I am a fan of anti-heroes. And could never write a novel. Reading and gardening are my limit.

  2. Yes, I think I may be a reader not a writer too. And there is always the garden.

  3. Ps. I love that scene in Life of Brian where Brian is abducted by aliens. It's one of those Whaat? moments as in What film am I watching now? A coup de cinema.
