Sunday, January 4, 2015

Blackcurrants and JAM!

This year's blackcurrant crop is twice last years, so more jam! When I was a child, my mum always used to complain that the blackcurrants were always ready on Boxing Day, but now I'm picking them after New Year's Day. Our summer here has been on and off, so perhaps this is the reason why. There seems to have been a city-wide failure of cucumber plants owing to a sudden cold night about 2 weeks ago. They've all got some kind of mould.

Anyway, blackcurrants have been fine. I've made some of this year's crop into jam and have frozen the rest for use in cakes and desserts in the winter. Plenty of jam for wintertime scones with afternoon tea. Yum!


  1. Yum indeed. And homemade blackcurrant (homemade any) jam is soooo much better. Not cloyingly sweet and still with the taste of the fruit. I rarely eat jam and you have reminded me why. Homemade trumps the commercial every time...

  2. I'd send you some in the mail, but no doubt Australian Customs would stop it. Reading last night about the terrible bush fires - tragic and terrifying, I hope they can be stopped soon.

  3. Without doubt customs would stop it. And probably scoff it.
    So far no human lives lost, but oh, the animals. Including a boarding kennel. An annual tragedy here.
