Thursday, January 1, 2015

Order versus chaos

This, believe it or not, is my vegetable garden. Every year I lose control of it about now. Things have gone to seed and self-seeded poppies, lychnis, aquilegia and borage come up all over the place. As a vegetable plot it's a bit of a disaster, but I quite like the chaos. The seed heads of poppies, leeks and florence fennel are all attractive and dramatic. It's all in the way of seeing; is it chaos, or a kind of order of its own?

This is my zucchini plant among the poppies. At the supermarket yesterday they were selling zucchini for $4 a kilo. And this is a 'zucchini factory', growing at home. 

Further on the subject of chaos, no two cherries are alike. I painted these before Christmas; each one has its own personality, I think. (Without anthropomorphising too much).

Here's the fabulous cat, very much in his prime now, nothing left of the cute little kitten I had. I nearly had two more kittens at new Year; two kittens showed up at a friend's house and I said I would take them if they proved to be homeless, but the owner was found, fortunately for them and me. Had to take Thomas to the vet because he had a sore throat that didn't seem to be getting better. The vet thinks it's because he eats too many birds and has got his throat scratched as he scarfed one down. Hasn't stopped him eating though. What I like about going to the vets is seeing how many people really care about their animals; you read of terrible cruelties inflicted by humans, but those people are in the minority, thank Goddess. One little dog being reunited with his owner went mad with delight, then leaped up and clung to his 'dad' just like a toddler would. Nice.


  1. Love your vegie garden. Sadly ALL of my garden has got away from me at the moment. Self seeded poppies and columbines are fine, but there is rather a lot of runner grass as well. When it cools down I will have to go on a ripping and tearing rampage. Perhaps if I go out at first light I can make a start on it...

  2. I've never done a garden but I SO admire people who do. If I was supposed to have a green thumb, it passed me by somehow!
