Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A sort of spring day

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day.. but, hang on, it's still winter. In fact it was so warm it was a beautiful summer day. Did lots of hard gardening. (Hard gardening is chopping stuff down, carting stuff around, clearing neglected patches, any reconstruction stuff involving carrying heavy weights, or wobbling on a ladder; soft gardening is dead-heading, fertilising, seed sowing, light weeding and watering). I've finally plucked up the courage to venture into some of the corners of my garden and give them a good clear out. The front garden is especially bad, I neglect it because it's on the shady side of the house, and is also more public; being horribly introverted I hate having to acknowledge the neighbours or passers-by. I don't hate them, I just want to get on and do my gardening thing without having to make small talk. One of my neighbours, an elderly chap, would talk the hind leg off a donkey. I like him, but sometimes I feel I could do without him. He gives good but unwanted advice - if I wanted the eucalyptus cut down, I'd do it, right?
So I've dug out a hydrangea that has been ailing for some time, the Mexican orange blossom that broke with the snow on it, the Orizops grasses that are way too big for the garden, and pruned the climbing rose. And now I've got lots of room for all the things in pots hanging around waiting for a permanent home. A couple of camellias, some hostas, hellebores and snowdrops will all go well in this shady space and won't outgrow their welcomes.
  The only problem, as always, is what to do with the rubbish. My usual ploy is to hide it around the back of the garage and slowly dribble it out into the green waste bin; that way I don't have to pay for taking it to the dump. And I can't dump it myself. I can barely back the car out of the garage, let alone back a trailer up to the refuse pit. It's as if when I turn my head backwards, left becomes right and right becomes left. I'm car-backing challenged that's what.

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