Sunday, April 26, 2015

Thinking of the people of Nepal

Thinking of the people of Nepal after the terrible earthquake there. Having been through this ourselves, people here in Christchurch have great sympathy for them. The aftershocks are terrifying. People already traumatised will be in a constant state of fear. The earthquake will have huge ongoing consequences for Nepal, apart from the initial problems of food/water shortages, disease, need for shelter and medical care. I hope that help can be quickly and efficiently organised by the various organisations that will be involved there. We had an earthquake here in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011, and are still experiencing aftershocks and the social and economic effects of that. New Zealand has pledged a million dollars, to be distributed through the International Red Cross, and has a (sadly) very experienced search and rescue team ready to go to Nepal on request from that country's government.


  1. So shocking and sad. Those poor people.

  2. We've just heard that our search and rescue team has been given the go-ahead for Kathmandu. I hope they can save some lives and make a difference to the people there.
