Thursday, May 19, 2016

Big Day In

I had an Art Day today. These are crabapples for a large watercolour that I'm going to do.

"Setsugekka" camellia - another flower that I want to paint, but today I just took the photo.

This is a wonderful book for wet-on-wet watercolour techniques. Lots of useful ideas and techniques with no "you must do this" or "you musn't do that". I've never painted much in wet-on-wet, so this has inspired me to try.

This is a made-up out of my head door, just to try out some techniques

An experiment with wet-on-wet flowers - you can see it's still wet with the shine on the paper! I like the softness of the vase; the flowers are not so great but it's early days yet for me with this style. The stamens in the centre of the flowers need a bit more work to make them pop.

My bedside table. I've got a lot of reading to do at the moment. There's all sorts of  reading there. I'm reading "The observations" by Jane Gillespie, "The bad-ass librarians of Timbuktu" (non-fiction) and various books about Rome and Ancient Greece. The house is a total pigsty at the moment - more important things to be doing than housework!

1 comment:

  1. Much more important, and rewarding, things to do than housework. Which is sadly often true (even when it is a lie) here too.
