Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mainly red

Lots of red in the garden at the moment, and a ridiculously early "Paper White" narcissus - strange to see it flowering with autumn leaves all around it.

Pineapple sage flowers - vibrant!

Hydrangea flowers turn red late in the season

This is another salvia-type plant with a striking colour scheme

Thomas loves autumn

Dahlia imperialis flowers, about fifteen feet up in the air, against a stormy sky. I managed to get a stalk down and have the flowers inside in a vase. Being so high up, they are very vulnerable to bad weather, which is on the way, the pundits tell us.


  1. So very familiar. One of our tree dahlias had about the top five feet snapped off in the wind. I too brought that stalk in - where the cats had fun knocking the buds from Christmas to breakfast. I was given a red one a few years ago - but it hasn't flowered. Yet.
