Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wiki wacky

Today I looked at the Wiki part of CCLLearn. It is quite interesting, and I completed most of the activities. I particularly liked the article "Creating online communities with Wiki" written by a librarian. I am attracted to the idea of community forums (should that be fora, forii) for people to contribute to, for example, local history nets that allow the community to log information and comments.
Today also the Skype session. Cushie set it up as a conference call, so their were five people talking. At first I could hear people but not speak to them, until Jenny pointed out that I only had my earphones plugged in and not my microphone. Doh! I found it disconcerting not to see people, and realized how much body language plays a part in group interaction. One-to-one is not so bad, its just like a phone call. I'll bet people had this problem with the first telephones, until a sort of protocol became accepted for phone use -you'll talk then I'll talk, etc.


  1. Lynne How did you get those birds, in the top right corner, they are really cool!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Cushie, the birds come with the template "Watermark" available on Blogger. I just removed my own comment, I tried to edit it, because I spelled "available" wrong, couldn't edit, then deleted. Now it looks like I've been making rude comments about my own blog!
