Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I've done a lot to my blog today. I've added two YouTube clips, bookmarked the Christchurch Readers and Writers Festival, added a sitemeter (to count all you eager readers) and read some hints about how to publicize my blog. I still haven't worked out how to add a gadget though, or uploaded an image from a digital camera. I'd like to photograph our waikawa basket and put it on my blog, but I think that may have to wait for another day. (I wish that I had taken photos of it as it dries out, as the colours are changing so beautifully over time, as if it was still a living thing).
I really have become obsessed by blogging, but I think it may turn out to be a useful obsession. There's no easier way to learn than to want to learn, and I think writing/designing a blog is good for me because the results are 1) visual and 2) instant. Bloggers help pages are quite good, and if you search by subject you can get to forums from other users.
I need to go and have a tea break now.


  1. Are you thinking about attending the readers and writers, I think you should, especially as now you are an experienced blogger and have a great writing style. I went to the Library Liasons and Shelley has done a great blog on the session on the libraryies professional blog. Cheers Cushla

  2. Yes, I'd like to go, and will fill out an EOI. I wanted to go to Auckland but didn't.
