Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This Foo Fighters song and vid. is one of my favourites. I think the guys are acting out one of their fantasies, and one of mine too - that I'll save a whole planeload of people by flying a plane safely down when the pilots are incapacitated. Of course it will be quite easy - we've all seen it done on movies. If you can drive a car you can fly a plane, right? Well, I did say it was a fantasy.
  Other fantasies of mine include being discovered on some talent programme. Of course I have a fabulous voice, and if Susan Boyle can do it, why not me? And living in a run-down villa in Tuscany, which of course I will make into the most perfect home and garden. Then I'll write a book about it and everyone will be green with envy. When I was a kid I wanted to be a sort of female Indiana Jones; discovering new civilisations and deciphering ancient scripts. Lately there's my steampunk fantasy, that I will become a sexy adventuress calling herself La Contessa, with an eyepatch, a derringer and a very complicated corset. None of these things will probably ever come to pass, although I could do the steampunk one; it would be fun to dress up and pretend to be someone else.
     I've also started to think about travelling again. The shot in the vid. of the plane landing at night; is there anything better than the ending of a long flight?  You're circling over a strange country, you can see the lights of the city, the roads, the buildings - the plane gets gradually lower and lower. The runway lights come into sight, and you're thinking of the joy of being off the plane. The plane lands, taxi's into the terminal, the lights are bright, bright, you're standing at the door, you're in the arrivals hall, and you're there; a new place, a new adventure. It's addictive, and I miss it so much.

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