Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pin it!

Been wasting time on Pinterest. Lots of people pinning stuff that turns out to be commercials touting for business, most notably in the weight-loss field. Pictures of buffed and muscly women in scanty clothing showing before and after pictures, with the same captioning on each pin. Click on to these and you'll get some commercial rubbish about a particular weight-loss programme or food, which then won't let you close the screen without shouting at you to keep reading. Pinterest needs to crack down on this or their whole thing will become totally commercial and totally worthless.
    The odd aspect is that these "personal testimonies" are often pinned cheek-by-flabby-jowl with recipes for fattening food, usually cakes or desserts. It's the same with women's magazines - a weight-loss article will be followed with a cooking special on chocolate cakes! Are we getting mixed messages, or is this some fiendish manipulation of our psyches? We'll get guilty about how much weight we're putting on, so we'll join some cockamamy 'programme', (and pay bucks for it - that's the important bit) but the cake recipes will keep us craving bad food so we can continue to feel guilty about our lack of self-control, our "badness". Never were so many manipulated by so few, so effectively.

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