Thursday, October 18, 2012

Trivial rant

Things I'm tired of on the Internet:
     - that 53 year-old Mom who discovered how to get rid of wrinkles and who has angered dermatologists worldwide. She pops up everywhere. And soon she'll be 54.
     - teenagers presenting their opinions on youTube as if they had a lifetime of experience to draw upon and know everything (especially if it's about black people or gay people or Muslim people)
     - people who neither sing nor play an instrument covering my favourite songs on youTube
     - people who post adverts for diets on Pinterest, pretending they are 'real' people not business touts
     - "cute" clips of babies having tantrums or worse being provoked into crying by adults who should know better
     - "cute" clips of kittens being terrified/angry/fighting with other cats, or imprisoned in crates
     - poor white trash showing how trashy they are - drunk, drugged, spitting chewing tobacco into a jug, girl-fighting, and getting it all on video so they'll get their fifteen seconds of fame
     - people who post stuff as "funniest ever..." and there's nothing remotely humorous about it
     - sites that offer 'free' stuff, if you have to give them your email address, street address, date of birth, marital status, bust size, inside leg measurement and how often you have a bowel motion
     - anything that moves, blinks, flashes or pops-up. (Notice that there isn't one that says "Don't go here! Don't go here!")

Isn't it odd how no-one ever phones you up offering to give you money? They always want you to give it to them.

Read my horoscope the other day. It told me that love was coming my way, and could be as close as the boy/girl/man/woman next door. So my choices are: (excluding the married/partnered)
  1. The special needs guy next door. He has a mental age of two, has Tourettes and is in a wheelchair
  2.  The old guy at the back of my place who used to attack his wife (now blessedly deceased, lucky her) with a knife
  3.  The odd woman over the road, but since I'm not gay and she always looks at me in a smilingly malevolent way, (probably muttering the Lord's prayer backwards) I don't think this is going to get off the ground either.
     Horoscope or horrorscape? You choose.

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