Sunday, January 6, 2013


I was hoping to upload some pics but the uploader is not working. Apparently its not just me but across the board, so... perhaps later or tomorrow.
 The good news is that we've had some great weather lately, real summer, not the faux summer which has a cold wind. It's great to be able to walk around and not be conscious of how cold it is. I had my first swim today at Magazine Bay (there's an old bunker for explosives that ships had to offload there before they went into port, nothing to do with glossies). I don't think I've ever swum there before, even though I've lived here all my life. The water was really warm, pleasantly surprizing, as I was braced for our usual freezing temps.  And had it mostly to myself, as Corsair Bay, the more popular beach because it has a carpark, was getting crowded. I left just as the bogans and home-boys started arriving, with their beers and boom-boxes. It was great, everything is getting that dry, burnt quality of a proper summer, the smell of pine-needles and dust and seaweed. I lay on the beach and actually sun-bathed; its hardly ever warm enough to do that here.
    But some people must sun-bathe a lot. There were two gay guys not far away, both of them the colour of a leather hand-bag. They looked really out of place, like they'd strayed from Sydney or the Costa Smeralda, and were a little horrified to have to watch fat, pale old blobs like me. I could practically hear them...."Look at that...Oh, my very dear! She won't get lucky anytime soon!" "OOO its udderly horrible!"

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