Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Muslim Jesus

This is the name of a fascinating doco I watched last night on youTube. Made by ITV, it reveals the Jesus of Islam, and the reverence the Muslims have for him and Mary. But any hope that this may serve as a meeting ground between Christians and Muslims is pretty soon knocked on the head; the Muslim Jesus-story is very different and the crucial part (the crucifixion, excuse the pun) effectively negates Christianity. In the Muslim version, Jesus is helped to escape when God turns Judas into a Jesus-look-alike and he is crucified instead, while Jesus is air-lifted into heaven by a Special-Ops force of angels. (I much prefer this version, it has such a logical narrative and would make a great movie) But it thereby negates all the 'he died for our sins' notion of the sacrificial lamb. Muslims also deny the divinity of Christ; to them he was a great prophet, but a man not a god. He ate, he shitted, he caroused with his mates, therefore he was not a god; a god would not do these things. But he is revered. In the great mosque in Medina, next to the grave of Mohammed, is an empty grave, waiting for the body of Jesus, whenever it will be found after he returns and he has fought successfully with the AntiChrist.
   Watch this if you can. And laugh at the evangelical Christians who scoff at the Muslim version as being just fairy-tales, and the Christian version as the truth.

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