Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Garden comforts

The saga of the car is not over. Now I have to take it to an auto electrician because the last lot of people cocked it up. Now they admit they can't fix it. Why not tell me that in the first place?
  Living life as an hermit has such a growing appeal, if only I could get someone to pay me. Eighteenth-century rich folk used to pay people to live in their faux hermitages; to be properly 'picturesque', an hermitage needed an hermit, but lacking a rich patron, I turn to the garden for comfort, in these days of cruelty, stupidity and fanaticism.


Ajuga reptans 'Jungle Beauty'

The first rose. Penelope, a hybrid musk

Dutch iris and arctotis

Pretty little 'Quail' narcissus.


  1. After a cow of a day (charitably speaking) I am loving the beauty and serenity of your garden. Thank you.
    And yes, the life of a recluse (particularly a paid recluse) has a lot of charm.

  2. lovely garden shots L. car dramas..... with a 17 year old car I have a few, too!
