Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I've found a great hairdresser! Regular readers will remember my disgust at my last effort, with the woman charging me $51 to trim an inch off my hair and gob it up with 'product'. I went to a new hairdresser today, Fusion Hair here in Opawa, and the woman did a great job, just a simple razor cut, no washing or 'product" application, no hard sell to buy expensive shampoos. Just a brilliant cut. And only $28! I was so astounded, I said "Is that all?" "Yes," she said. "if you're a happy customer you'll come back, and that's worth more to me than making a lot of money just the one time. Plus you'll recommend me to your friends, which is also all good for me." Sensible woman. When I first sat down she ran her fingers through my hair and rearranged it, and it already looked better, without even being cut. A talented hairdresser; her price is above rubies.

   Lazy day today. The weather has turned cold, so I've spent most of the day inside reading Sharon Kay Penman's "Lionheart" (about Richard the Lionheart). I really like her books, she does her research carefully, and even adds an afterword explaining where and why she has changed the historical facts to make a more readable story. One of the problems is names. Medieval personal names were somewhat limited, so she has had to change or nickname people to distinguish them from each other. (There are three Geoffreys in the tale, and several Williams and Harrys). She even admits her mistakes; what she calls her "time-travelling grey squirrel" - there were no grey squirrels in medieval England, only the native red ones. Grey squirrels were introduced from America much later and wreaked havoc with the red squirrel population as they competed for habitat. All of her books are good, although I did find "When Christ and his saints slept" (about the war between Stephen and Matilda for the English crown) a bit long.
  Just like this post really. Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. A good hairdresser makes such a difference. I insist on 'wash and wear hair'. No product, no blow-drying. And have found a salon where I pay $25 to get just what I want. Which is wonderful. And too rare.
