Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Naughty cat

I'm getting very tired of Emma at the moment. She's taken advantage of her invalid status to start toileting in non-toilet areas of the house; the bathroom carpet this afternoon. And it's always poos, stinky, smelly poos. Why? I don't know, there is a perfectly good toilet tray and a garden to do things in. Is she trying to punish me for sending her to the vet? Or paying too much attention to Tom? Naughty, naughty cat. I'd like to get new carpet for the house, the present one is at least 11 years old and covered with stains (mostly hers) and scratched-up bits (Tom), but it's just not worth it while she's still alive. In future I think I will only have one cat. It's difficult when one cat is ill or has to be on a different diet or they must be kept apart so that the well one won't bully the sick one.
    Had a nice surprise today. Went to work as usual to find that I wasn't rostered on, but rostered on for a Staff Support Day. (This is a somewhat controversial leave that council staff were given to mitigate the post-earthquake stressors). So I went home again and sat in the garden in the sun with a glass of reisling, watching amazing cumulus clouds build up on the horizon. Trouble is, I was so keen to get away before They decided they needed me, that I forgot about the stuff in my in-tray that needs to be dealt to. I'll go in tomorrow evening and clear it up, so I can have the next two days with a clear conscience.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Emma, and poor you. No fun. And I have never known a cat who didn't ensure that I suffered along side them.
    An additional day off? Treat.
