Sunday, October 20, 2013

Two days

 Yesterday I went to the local school fair. I'm not so keen on this fair as the church fair - lots of yummy mummies and daddies trying earnestly to do well for their kiddies - it's a private Anglican church school and the whole focus of the parents' lives is their kids and their schooling. There's a lot of junk they shouldn't really be selling (old electrical equipment) and just plain dross. The customers are very aggressive; one woman was going around with a little grocery trolley for her purchases, ramming it at people's feet and screaming "let me through, let me through!" as if she was someone special. More and more these days I feel the urge to just let rip, and release my inner Berserker, and one day I will tell such a type to  Why does the world seem full of arrogant jerks these days? Is this something they have learned from American TV, that thinking only of oneself is somehow full of merit? The plant stall was good though and I bought some vegetable plants there.
  Today I did a garden centre crawl, and visited a garden centre I don't usually go to, because their prices are quite high. I did find a French tarragon, which the more common garden centres don't seem to have, but no chervil or chervil seeds, so no Oeufs fines herbes this year, my loves. I'll have to resow some of the stuff that didn't germinate from the last batch. We had a miserable week of cold, wet weather that rotted the seeds away, but I have more and will plant again. Banzai! Good to see so many people in the garden centres today, getting ready for the big plant-out next weekend, Labour Day being the traditional day in NZ to get your tomatoes in the ground.
  Hot today, beer and ice-cream and lawn-mowing weather. Lovely.


  1. Husband went to buy tomatoes yesterday and there were hardly any left.
    Melboune cup day or around then is when we plant.
    Our weather is crazy at the moment, 30 or day,18 the next. But our PM doesn't believe in climate change so nor should we.....

  2. I have taken a brave punt, and put my tomato plants in. And yes, Melbourne Cup day is more traditional. And probably safer.
    I wish that I didn't believe in our Prime Minister and, by so not believing, could make him disappear...

  3. Ah, you guys! made me laugh so much I choked on my coffee. Headline in today's paper here "Mental patients escape" - most of NZ thought it referred to our PM and his cohort of loonies.
