Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blackcurrant jam day

Only three jars, though; I thought there would be more. Panicked when I realised it wasn't setting, so added a little more sugar and some lemon juice. Thank the kitchen goddess, it has set and is delicious. Something to look forward to on cold winter afternoons, scones with homemade blackcurrant jam, yum.
The next door neighbour's tree is loaded with Black Doris plums, the only problem being that they are about 30 feet up! I had a couple of trees in my garden, but they only seemed to produce scabby fruit or none at all, so I had them removed. Hoping that some next door fruit will fall my way, but they will probably be eaten by the birds first. Apricots not a success, the wretched brown spot has taken over before the fruit are even ripe this year. Gardening; you win on the roundabout, but lose on the swings.

1 comment:

  1. Yum. And sometimes the garden roundabout descends into a slippery dip... The wattle birds ate ALL of my raspberries this year. Before they were ripe.
