Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Later that day...

Our weather is quite predictable here, in a wild, dramatic sort of way; after a day of heat and hot wind, the wind has swung around to the South, so now the thermometer has dropped about 15 degrees and the wind is cold! The peril of living on a long, narrow island in the middle of the sea means our weather changes very suddenly. Tourists tramping in the mountains often get caught out. They don't believe that a calm sunny day can turn into a killer southerly with snow in about half an hour.
   Here's the southerly buster coming in over Kahurangi, pictured from my spare room window. It's probably hailing up there now.
   So this evening I'm indoors in the warm, making plum sauce from the day's windfalls. 


  1. High drama indeed. And beautiful with it (from a safe vantage spot).

  2. Wish I was there having a cup of tea and watching you make sauce, and not enduring 35 degrees at 8.11 p.m.

  3. I hope you both get cooler and wetter weather soon.
