Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Spring fever

I've not been well the last few days. I picked up a stomach virus from somewhere, and spent quite a bit of time in bed. I'm rather annoyed about it. I was going to do a full days work in the garden on Friday, then this thing came over me after lunch and I spent the next few days recuperating. Tried doing a bit today, but still feel off colour, so flagged away mowing the lawn and did a few light duties instead, which included photographing things.

Apricot blossoms - hopefully more gorgeous fruit this year. I've been eating my way through the preserves from last year, very delicious.

I got the jandals out and gave my feet an airing

Chives are pushing up early this year in the herb garden. I love chives, just that delicate onion taste that adds savouriness without indigestion.

And I put the 'Ilam Hardy' potatoes to chit in an egg box in the sunroom. They look purple here, but it's just a trick of the light. I grew purple ones a few years ago, but found them to be quite small although tasty.
Hopefully I can get a bit of seed sowing done tomorrow - tomatoes, peppers and eggplant to start off in the conservatory and beans outside in a sheltered place.


  1. Loving your spring garden, some of which is MUCH more advanced than ours.
    And I hope you are feeling much, much better today. Take it easy.

    1. Thank you. Yes, our spring is earlier than usual this year. The early part of our winter was very cold, but dry. Now we are getting a little rain, but it's much warmer. The weather pundits are predicting a drought this year - not good.
