Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fear and loathing in New Christchurch

Many months ago, the minister for rebuilding Christchurch, Gerry Brownlee, stated that the 'old dungers' (heritage buildings) had to come down as he perceived them to be dangerous, regardless of the fact that the greatest number of fatalities were cause by the collapse of buildings that were relatively new.
     Well, now we have the fruit of that attitude. The new Government plan for the rebuild came out yesterday, and makes somewhat grim reading. The govt. have decided the shape of the new Christchurch will include a rugby stadium, a conference centre, etc etc, all erected with money from the ratepayers of Christchurch. (Yes, the government makes the Plan compulsory, but does nothing to fund it - is this democratic? they will force us to pay for their monuments to their own posterity).
      The CBD will be "framed" by a green swath on either side of the city, which sounds wonderful, but anything left standing in this designated green area is to come down regardless of the condition of the building. The NG building, the darker building in the photo behind the bull, was one of the buildings that withstood the quakes. It's owners have reopened their jewellery and design business here, and the city art gallery is using part of the space for displays. The building is both safe and functioning. But now it will be demolished to make way for a sports stadium. Yes, just because it's in the way of the almighty Plan. Way to go, NZ govt. - destroy anything left standing to "align with the Plan". The NG building is like a little rock, and I feel for the owners. They've done all the right things, strengthening the building, refitting the interior, and now it's to be bulldozed for a bloody stadium, which ratepayers can't pay for and don't need. The government will offer them a price, and if they don't take it, it will be 'compulsorily acquired", i.e. taken off them. This is Big Government bullying at its best. As if we haven't had enough destruction! Christchurch has become a real-time Lego-land for big boys to play bulldozers in.
      Oh, bugger, bugger, bugger them. Take your stadium and shove it.

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